Friday, December 17, 2010

The day i died!!

Hmm…its been just 2 weeks and I’m already bored…I mean sure…it was very exciting at first…to be escorted by angels and all…I couldn’t even believe that I was going to heaven to begin with…it’s a pity that I can’t share funny facts with my friends about life in heaven.

1.God welcomes u at the doors…and agrees to grant you one wish (except going back to earth)…it’s a pity that all I could think of at that time was to make him do somersaults…impeccable. But a chance wasted…I wonder how he tap dances…hopefully the next person in requests to see that…

2.You get an ID badge for being in heaven…they have in times and out times and all that…and you’d think that the world is made in the reflection of heaven…

3.You are allowed to visit earth once in every month…but you can’t communicate with ppl…just stalk them…a guy in here has seen all the famous celebrities naked…too bad he’s dead and can’t do anything about it…oh didn’t I tell you…when you’re dead…you wiener kind of dies too…no aids STDS here in heaven.

4.You get to choose how you look. This was a smart move on the part of the admin guys…you see the accident cases and murdered people were just killing the entire serene mood of the place. So you find a lot Tom Cruises and Clint Eastwood. Poor Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson have to entertain a lot of stupid questions.

5.There is an exchange program held annually where in ppl get to go to hell. I think
I’ll enroll for that. It’ll be fun going there…and I’m pretty sure I’ll see a lot many more celebs there than here.

Well that’s about it for now, I’ll update you later…it’s not like you are going anywhere. And I’ll be damned if I leave this place (see…again... how I played with words there…I’m good. pity I didn’t use it when I was alive)

PS: I don’t know why I wrote this piece of shit today…pl. don’t judge me (LMAO!!...I’m on a roll today)

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Anjali Paul said...
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